What I do best
I thrive as the understudy to great Founders and CEO’s because simply put, I get things done.
Phase 1
Discover & Understand
I will dive right in - requiring little to no effort from you to bring me up to speed. My preference
Phase 2
Codify & Synthesize
Having a great idea or product is step one. It’s everything after that, including but not limited to, defining success, prioritizing objectives, formulating and executing a plan that I have years of experience assisting in and owning.
My essential function is to codify your ideas into an executable plan.
Synthesize is defined as combining various components into new whole; to combine different ideas, influences, or objects into a new whole. So the act of synthesizing is a process of 'connecting the data' you have gathered into a new whole. What does the 'new whole' consist of?
An understanding of the problem to be solved in a clear and definitive way. What is the business problem to be solved.
What is the defined solution to the problem. As you should note, the solution needs to solve the problem.
How will you know when the problem is solved. How will the customer know? This would correlate with the Conditions of Success.
An understanding (even if just in a broad way) the major tasks required to accomplish the solution.
A colleague of mine suggested that this is mostly a vetting process, and I quite agree. Part of the process may conclude in that you cannot solve the business problem, the customer does not have a compelling event, or there is not adequate schedule or budget to solve the business problem.
Codifying your culture means working with everyone in the firm to define the values you live by. But then going beyond the abstract and making those values tangible. Embed them in your operating principles, communication and performance management system. As you scale your concrete values will ensure your high-performance culture remains intact.